Thursday, August 21, 2008

So What Are The Ways To Eliminate Credit Card Debt

Category: Finance, Credit.

How to eliminate credit card debt? - A questions that is asked by a number of individuals around the globe. So what are the ways to eliminate credit card debt?

These are the individuals who somehow( mostly due to uncontrolled spending) landed into the mouth of this monster called Credit card debt . If you are looking to eliminate credit card debt, you have already reached 50% of your goal because your decision to eliminate credit card debt is the first and the most important step towards you being able to eliminate credit debt. To eliminate it, you need planning. Having said that, it is important to mention that you also need to be firm on this decision and stick to it with complete sincerity and seriousness, till you finally eliminate credit card debt( and even after that) . This starts with analysis of current situation in terms of your debt and your finances( current and as expected in near future) . Just use a notebook to note down the amount you owe on each credit card and the corresponding APR associated with them. So to eliminate the debt, you need to first check the amount you owe on various credit cards.

Once you have this information handy, you can total up the various amounts to get the total amount of your credit card debt. The next thing is to see if you have enough cash handy e. g. in your various bank accounts, which you can put to use to eliminate the debt( of course, you will need to take a view on how much cash you will need to fulfil your day to day and specific future needs) . After all, you can t eliminate the debt if you don t know how much it is actually. If you find that you have enough to eliminate your debt completely, just go ahead and eliminate it and earn your peace of mind. Next step, as you must have guessed, is to check how best you can use this amount to eliminate your debt( even if partially) i. e. which portion of credit card debt should you eliminate first. However, if you can t eliminate your debt completely, check the amount that you can use to eliminate your credit card debt partially.

So, first eliminate the debt on the credit card which has the highest APR and which is hitting you the most. If you are incurring additional late fees etc on some of your credit cards, you might decide to reserve some amount to make minimum payments on those credit cards( before you finally eliminate the debt on them) . Then eliminate credit card debt on the credit card which has the next highest APR and so on and so forth. What we have seen is just some basic analysis and first steps on how to eliminate credit card debt. However, it s imperative to understand that any and all methods to eliminate the debt will fail if you don t inculcate controlled spending habits. You might need to take some other steps to eliminate your debt e. g. consolidation of credit card debt is one good option.


Extension Card - Beatriz Toohey's Finance and Credit blog:

Credit cards have been one of the most widely used forms of paying various types of bills. This is different from debit cards in the sense that the former may purchase in its behalf even if the owner does not have a corresponding amount credited to the card.

These Fees Increase The Cost Of Credit Card Ownership - Finance and Credit Articles:

Credit card companies associate various different fees with the credit card. A close scrutiny of the terms and conditions associated with the credit card will definitely make the credit card owner aware about them.

It Can Also Be Labeled As Harassment When A Collection Agency Calls You Too Often - Melva Westervelt about Finance and Credit:

Collection agencies have the right to contact you if you are not responding to your creditor when they require you to pay your bills.

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